Corte Spinosa, located in the municipality of Porto Mantovano in an area of particular importance for the abundance of canals that run parallel to river Mincio. In the current eighteenth-century configuration, which has been almost unchanged during the years, there is a Court of vast dimensions. A series of sixteenth-century buildings of rare architectural beauty overlook the Court.
Here stands the manor house subject to redevelopment also for lighting. Among the various owners the Gonzaga family certainly stands out. Since 1540 they make this property part of the economic productive agricultural system as it is today. But it was only at the beginning of the nineteenth century that the owners substantially modified the Court with extensions and the constructions of many other rural buildings marked by their coats of arms which we can still see today. The wisdom of the current property combined with the skill of the workers and designers has led to a redevelopment of rare beauty and delicacy of the manor building.
In such a refined context, the Lighting designer has inserted Francesconi recessed products in a very measured and wise way both in the choice of powers and optics. Very small products, but with high efficiency LEDs and appropriate colour temperature, have managed to give light to each individual architectural element creating an alternation of light and dark which enhances the three-dimensionality of the building leaving each part is clearly identified.
Architectural Studio: Arch. Luca Giovannoni and Arch. Riccardo Forcellini Via della Certosa, 16 (MN)
Local Partner/lighting designer: Mr Giovanni Vezzani Architettura Luce
Agency: Agenzia Caglio Mr Roberto and Mr Marco Caglio